To preserve and display of the natural and human history of Parkdale-Maplewood and the surrounding communities.


Our Interpretative Mandate is to interpret the heritage of our communities (Parkdale-Maplewood, New Germany area, etc.) and people through our exhibits, research center, educational programs and events.

The Museum building is used to exhibit local history to educate the public through the exhibition of artifacts and the Research Center. It also houses Aunt Dinah's Gift Shop and offers space to the community for small meetings, etc.


Our Community Museum was founded by Thomas I. Spidell, a native of Parkdale. Uncle Tom, as he was called, traveled through England, the USA, Mexico and Canada as a missionary - salesman for The New and Latter House of Israel, a publisher of religious papers and books. As Uncle Tom traveled, he collected old and interesting things. In the 1930's he began bringing these items home to Nova Scotia.

The first exhibit of Uncle Tom's items was held in a barn in Parkdale - Maplewood. The people of the communities erected the first museum building - now the home of the Livewires 4-H Club. The Maccabee Lodge Hall was taken over in the 1960's. In 1984, what is now known as the Lloyd and Muriel Room was opened. Most recently, an expansion was made to the Parkdale - Maplewood Community Museum structure. The Maccabee Lodge was moved from the south of the Lloyd and Muriel Room to the north. A large extension was built on the south end to house an administration area, gift shop, research area, Aunt Dinah's Tea Room, washrooms and artifact storage. The grand opening of the new enhanced facility was held on July 6, 2005.


People from the Past - Many exhibits feature photos and biographies of the special people of our area whose creations and possessions make up our collection of folk art, quilts, butter churns, tools, dishes, textiles, lamps, etc.

For the Children - We have toys, puzzles and games available for our younger visitors. Older children may enjoy the Museum Scavenger Hunt. Just ask at the desk. Also available are our Educational Programs.

Parking - Space is available for up to 60 cars and 4 buses.

Heritage Gardens - The Museum grounds are home to many traditional and heritage plants.

Research Centre - We have numerous local family and community histories available for research. For a comprehensive list, see Research Centre.

Our museum is owned by the community of Parkdale-Maplewood and administered by the Parkdale-Maplewood Museum Society.

The Board of Directors of the Society for 2022 is:

Curator - Donna (Wentzell) Arenburg

Museum Assistant - Suzanne (Wentzell) Isaacs


Membership into the Museum Society can be obtained by completing an application. 2022 fees are as follows:

  • Individual - $ 10.00 per year due in January
  • Family - $ 15.00 per year due in January
  • Individual Life - $ 100.00 (a one time fee)
  • Members will receive quarterly newsletters.

    The Museum wishes to acknowledge the value of its many members and volunteers. Without them, the Museum would not exist to offer a tangible glimpse of the history of Parkdale-Maplewood and surrounding communities. We offer many diverse volunteer opportunities and welcome anyone who wishes to share some time and/or expertise to help us achieve our Interpretive Mandate as described above. Call the Curator at the Museum for more information.

    Donations in the forms of cash, cheque or email transfer (pmcmuseum3005@gmail.com) are gratefully accepted.
    Cheques may be made out to the Parkdale - Maplewood Community Museum or simply use PMCM. They can be dropped off at the Museum during open hours or can be sent by Canada Post.

    Income tax receipts will be issued for monetary donations and membership fees.