(Please note that this is a draft and may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances. Please check this on a regular basis to note any changes that occur. Thank you.)
For the most up-to-date scheduling of events, please check our Facebook page.
We welcome any monetary donations. We now accept Email Transfers through pmcmuseum3005@gmail.com
Charitable Receipts will be issued for donations made.
Local historian and author, Marlean Rhodenizer's book, Around the Corner (4th Edition), is available from the author. She can be reached at 902-644-2395.
May 3 (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM: Museum opens to the public for the 2022 Season. Hours at this time are Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and weekends by appointment. We are now closed on Mondays.
August 13 (Saturday): 4-H
Achievement Day
in conjunction with the PM
Community Centre Assn. breakfast which serves from 7:00 until 10:30 AM. Menu includes
toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage, maple syrup, juice, tea and coffee.
Museum open from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM.
August 17 (Wednesday): "Talents and Treasures" Silent/Online Auction.
Closes at 2:00 PM.
August 16
(Tuesday) at 1:30 PM: Regular Museum meeting
at the Museum.
September 14 (Wednesday) with meal pick-up from 11:30 PM -
4:00 PM: Blueberry Dessert Take - Out Tea
September 20 (Tuesday) at 1:30 PM: Regular Museum meeting
at the Museum.
September 30 (Friday) at Noon: Museum closes for the 2022 season.
December 12 (Monday) at 6:00 PM:
PM Museum
Christmas Party. This
will be held at the PM Community Hall. Doors open at 5:00 PM. Potluck supper
starts at 6:00 PM. This party is open to all Museum volunteers,
members and guests. We ask that everyone bring a main dish
breads or dessert. Also we ask that you provide your own dishes
and either clean them yourselves or plan to take them home dirty
to minimize clean up. There will be a Chinese Auction of Christmas
items i.e. Fir wreath, Christmas dinner in a basket, etc. Parents of
children are asked to bring gifts for their children for under the tree for
Santa to pass out. We will also be having the draw for our
annual raffle
item at this time. Proceeds from this Auction go toward the operation of
the Museum.