Aunt Dinah's Gift Shop features
crafts created by local artisans, books (new and used) and snacks,
among other items.
Among the items for sale: (this list is not all inclusive and because of the
fact that most items are donated or on consignment, the following list may not always
be completely accurate. The inventory changes yearly.)
new books for all ages with themes on
nature, history and crafts
hand-made Christmas ornaments
hand-made jewelry
quilts by local artisans
locally made hand-crafts i.e. knitted
items, embroidered runners, aprons, etc.
local maple products
& tapes by local musicians
snack items
unique hand-crafted items
While many of the hand made crafts
have been made and donated by our valuable members and volunteers,
we also welcome items on consignment. If you are a local artisan
who is looking for a venue for your unique craft items, please
contact us during our
Examples of some of the Quilts we have had for sale in Aunt Dinah's Tea Room
We have had several family &
community histories for sale, as well as copies of historical
pictures. Please drop by during our open season or contact us for a
more complete list of what we have available and pricing.
Through Wood and Dales,
a history of the communities of
Parkdale, Maplewood, and Scarsdale - compiled & composed by members of the
Parkdale - Maplewood Community Museum
Hawkesworth Family
Elmwood History
Rhodenizer Family History - by Merna
(Rhodenizer DeLong) Cox and Marlean (Taylor) Rhodenizer
Copy of Rafuse Family Manuscript
Copies of photos of Men in Action WWI
- Earle and Laurin Rhodenizer; Paul, Maynard and Evan Rafuse
Copies of photosof:Isaiah & Anna Veinotte's Farm; Mr. and Mrs. Avard
Foster and daughters; Parkdale School and students - 1908; Sarah
"Abigail" Spidle (nee Berghaus) & Thomas I. Spidell
I and their children
Any of the above histories may be ordered
to be shipped directly to you with an additional cost for the
shipping and handling. To order any of the above, you can Contact Us.